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Re: Non-OEM radio removal

Many aftermarket radios are mounted in cars with the European DIN standard
opening by the use of a DIN adapter of some sort. Also, some gonzo installer
might have used a rear screw post on the chassis of the radio to attach the
back of the radio to a mounting hole at the rear of the opening (you will need
to use a flashlight at the back to scan for this). Most DIN adapters are just
spring-loaded affairs at the front of the radio that are apparent in their use
(push in springs, out pops unit). Beware of the unitized DIN adapter: this
beast comes with its own metal external chassis that is mounted in the DIN hole
by bending tabs (usually at the front of the chassis around the dash hole).
These units often have a provision for sliding out the inner chassis by
tweaking clips at the front of the radio for release.

Chris Blumenthal
'96 A6Q (master cylinder failed at 1400 miles...; currently waiting to see if
another shoe will drop)