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Re[2]: Roll Cage for 4000Q?

     How about to save your A-- eric.  Safety is more important in an 
     under-horsepowered car anyway.
     Tim 90CQ, 77Spitfire

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Subject: Re: Roll Cage for 4000Q?
Author:  STEADIRIC@aol.com at Internet
Date:    3/4/96 11:39 AM

>Does anybody know a source for a roll cage for my 86 4000 Q?  I figure 
>somebody must make a kit for the car since they were rallyed (sp) quite 
>a bit.
>I do not want to have to pay my mechanic to make a custom cage for me.
In a Stock (and Under Horsepowered Q) The WHY Question comes to mind?? 
Will you really gain in stifness what you'll lose in weight?  Not 
likley.....  NJTH
Eric Fletcher