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I guess I'm entering old age or something - but I TRY to be more 
sensible than I (sometimes) have been in the past with tailgaters.

Case 1:  Highway, adequate room to pass, I get tailgated.  I usually 
tap my brakes lightly a couple of times to remind the driver to back 
off.  Most do...and it Texas, it is a polite custom to pull over onto 
the (usually wide) shoulder and let someone pass.  I only refuse to 
do this if visibility is restricted or if there is NO traffic coming. 
 If tapping the brakes doesn't work, I'll pull over and let the 
 fool pass.  Useta be I'd play games...but not any more.

Exception: if I'm just coming into some serious twisties, I'll let 
them follow me and then blow them off in the curves.  If they want to 
go 3 zillion MPH on the other side, they're welcome to pass me 
there...but they're not gonna tape my fun away in the twisties!  I 
kinow my Audi (required content) will outrun them in the corners.

Case 2:  Residential street, coming into my development full of 
little kids playing.  I get tailgated.  I tap brakes, etc.  NO WAY is 
this fool passing me (it happened once in a 30 MPH zone right 
in front of my house - and I had my left turn signal on!!) I keep 
them slowed down until I'm well past my house, then turn off and circle 
back.  I don't do anything nasty, I just drive 30 and stay in front.

In such situations, I long for a 66 International Travelall with those 
Joe-Jim-Bob 8" sewer-pipe bumpers.  Then when you tap the brakes, 
they KNOW they better back off...coz you don't care.

Story: My dad grew up in Pennsylvania in the 20's and 30's.  The 
state patrol used to tailgate semis on the mountains, so close they 
couldn't be seen easily - and then bust them for speeding.  But the 
truckers learned to signal each other.  The one being  tailgated 
would throw his hat out the window, then DYNAMITE the brakes.  While 
scraping patrol car off his trailer, he would solemnly say - "Geez, 
my hat blew off...and I checked the mirror but there was no one 
behind me.  Don't wanna lose a good hat!"   So after that, if a 
partolman saw a hat sail past, HE would dynamite the brakes.  Some 
guys carried old spare hats.........

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Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/rpe/alpage.htm

"These are not my figures I'm quoting.  They're from someone who
knows what he's talking about."  
                        Anonymous US Congressman.

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