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Re: Tailgaters

>behind his seat for a spare quart of oil, removed the cap, stuck his bottle
>filled hand
>up into the slipstream, and squeezed for all he was worth.
>The woman was only slightly fazed by this, and probably would not have slowed
>all, were it not for the critical error on her part. She turned on the
>The last he saw of her, she was sliding into the median with an opaque
>It took several dollars of quarters to wash off the rear of the Monza, but he

That's on *OLD* but very effective biker trick!

On a long-gone supaju 4WD wagon I re-aimed the rear squirter - worked great.
Was especially FUN for those few inconsiderate snobbish bicyclers too! Same
could be done I'm sure on the Q wagons.....

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the
pursuit of justice is no virtue."

Vorsprung durch Technik,
