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Side mirror jitter

Now that finals are just about over, I can actually take some time to
deal with my can (and its ability to magically create problems anytime 
at will).

So, both side mirrors have an extremely annoying "jitter" problem.  They
vibrate terribly when driving.  The whole unit seems loose, not just the
mirror.  They seem to be spring-loaded, and I think the spring is wearing
out.  I've briefly looked it over, but couldn't figure out how to open up
the whole mirror unit.

I'm sure others must have this problem (all those 4Ks & Coupes, at least).
Any solution?


Eric J. Fluhr                    gt6493c@prism.gatech.edu :: Georgia Tech!
http://ulc231.residence.gatech.edu/                      '85 Audi Coupe GT
"Those who strive for the very best in life, very often achieve it."  Unknown