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Re: no Audi content

On Fri, 15 Mar 1996, Psycho Bob wrote:

> I was darn bored today and decided to clean up my bill-fold thingie. I
> pulled my driver's license, among others, and kinda looked at it all
> over. On the backside of the license, under Restriction Codes (oh, this
> is Nebraska license) there's a code "L" described as "Vehicles Without
> Air Brakes." Now, the only vehicle I know of having air brakes are the
> Mitsu HSR experimental autos. Sooooo, what do they meant by "air
> brakes?"

Tractor Trailers...

> Also the absolutely no Audi content topic...
> I was looking through the J.C. Whitney catalog and was interested in one
> of those noise-killer pads that you stick to the inside of body panels.
> There seems to be three kinds: rubber, asphalt-based, and then multi-layer 
> foam-vinyl-Mylar kind. So which one would kill the noise most in auto 
> application?

Multilayer seems to work best, but beware, the stuff weighs a TON!


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__    (_____)     /____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
  \____(___)   bob.damato@snetel.com   http://snetel.com/audi/audi.html
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