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Re: Is 80/100 watts okay?

I agree with Fletch--in spades.  I popped in just the 80/100 bulbs in my
1990tqs and immediately blew one of the bulbs.  (Nope, I didn't get my
fingerprints on the bulb.)  Then popped in two new 80/100s.  One bulb lasted
for about six hours and the other lasted about four hours.  The end result
was that the heat from the bulbs *****melted***** the plastic housing that
held the bulbs.  I had to temporarying replace the fittings with ones that I
scrounged out of a junkyard (11PM on a Saturday in rural upstate NY) and
twist-wired them in (basically wing-and-prayer stuff.)  Since then, have
replaced the harness as has Fletch with a separate relay, industrial
strength wiring, and heat resistant sockets.  Fletch is right--you could fry
your switch before the bulbs burned out or melted the sockets.

Proud owner of 1990 200q
1969 Mazda RX-7 (53K miles!)
and 1988 VW Quantum Syncro
Doug Terman
Antilles Engineering, Ltd.
snail:   PO Box 318, VT 05674
voice:  (802) 496 3812
fax:       (802) 496 3814