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Dans' Oil Use..

> From: Dan Bocek <dan@di.com>

Said - 

> Took it for a ~4 mile spin last night, and by the time I got back, she was
> about a half quart low.  Pulled the plugs, and #2 looked like it had been
> dredged through a tar pit, #3 was bad, but not like #2, and the rest of the
> plugs looked OK.  There's no oil in the intake plumbing, so the new turbo
> is not at fault.  The car didn't burn a drop of oil up until now, so I'm
> sure the bottom end is all right (besides, the bottom was rebuilt just a
> few thousand miles ago).  That leaves three other possibilities that I 
> can think of:
> 1) Valve stem seals. 

Could cause leakage, but not that fast, I betcha.

> 2) Head gasket.  The oil feed for the head comes from the block between
> cylinders 2 and 3. 

This sounds like a good bet - and a compression test will tell.
> 3) Crank case ventilation.

Doubt it.

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
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