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More Stereo & Antenna Q

Evidently I'm not the only Audi-type doing biz with Crutchfield and 
trying to replace the Bose radio with a standard unit.....and 
discovering that it's not as simple as it spozed to be....

Last Friday I was trying to trouble-shoot my Sony radio installation 
in my 1990 200/Ex-Bose, as I could not get the rear speakers to work, 
had residual hiss, and a "pop" when turning the radio off when it was 
wired as per the Crutchfield recommendations.

Turns out that my call to Crutchfield Tech-unit was immediately after 
an identical call from another Audi owner making the same 
installation!  Evndeitnly the gent I spoke with was working with two 
of us on and off dall day.  I made up elaborate charts of OEM pin-outs, 
harness wiring color, etc. and faxed to Crutchfield.  Their eventual 
decision was that their current recommendation with two wiring 
adapters and their Power-Match adapter is not sufficient.  Their 
recommendation is to return the PowerMatch adapter they sent and 
use a more comprehensive unit which they have just had designed 
and which will be in stock within 1-2 weeks.  (Ups the price from $30 
to $90 for the adapter...)

I'm gonna do it their way, since the $60 more is cheaper than 
starting to replace six speakers and spend a day pulling wire and 
interior parts.  In the meantime, it took less then 2 minutes to 
put the Bose radio back in the car...I'll use it till then.

One other note: I now have a motorized Hirschmann antenna which 
I will install in the LR fender of my 200, since I've had it with the factory 
glass-based antennas...their reception just is not adequate.  My main 
concern is making DARN sure, no, DAMN sure, that I get the hole the 
right place.  There is a body brace right below the recomended 
install position and positioning less than an inch in the  wrong 
direction might be disastrous.  I think I will beg a local Audi owner 
with a power antenna to let me take some measurements.....OR..

OR - if any of you 5K/100/200 owners feel like it, could you spend 
a minute with a tape measure and tell me the position of the center 
shaft of your LR fender mounted power antenna?  I'm interested in 
distance BACK from the front of the LR fender lip (measured thru the 
center line of the antenna) and distance OVER from where the fender 
lip bends down to make the trunk opening.

____ <Front edge of fender
  0   |   <- Actual attempt at ASCII art showing fender and antenna!
       |       (This text would be in the trunk!)

I would be especially interested in measurements from a 100 or 200 
with a LR fender power antenna - as I'm not sure whether the body 
brace inside the trunk stays in exactly the same place across the 
5K/100/200 series.  TIA, friends.....

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/rpe/alpage.htm