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VW perf. vs. audi perf - aftermarket

        I was looking at the article in Euro-Car that had the Coupe Q 
with the 2.6L disp kit ( they kept saying it was 2.2 L stock..? ), and
various mods..
        I was wondering why every company under the sun has VW mods, and
considering their incestual relationship, why Audi's could be tuned in a
similar manner?
        Is the 2.3 I5 just a pain to deal with? Not much potential? Why?
People don't see the point in bumping their 130HP I5 up to 150HP when it's
pushing a 3600 lb car anyway?
        I like my Audi, wish it had more power, ( can't give up torque!! )
and am just wondering why there aren't more performance parts. Especially
for the smaller audi's like the 90-series, with less mass to push around.
They could afford to lose a little torque and get some more HP.

Brooks   ' ok, it's late.. Another wierd post.. '