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Procedure for int. blower replacement

Yep.. did the unthinkable this weekend. Replaced the interior blower
on my sister's 90Q, and resistor pack. Beleive it or not? It is an 
EXTREMELY simple job and it took less than half an hour.

For: 80/90Q interior blowers.
TOOLS REQ'd:  10mm nut driver, 10mm socket on 10" extension, offset #2 
philips, regular #2 philips, Flashlight, flatblade.

1) Remove passenger side (All work is done on passenger side,interior) 
firewall covering (that kick panel thing under the glove box) with nut 
driver. Held on by 2 10mm bolts.

2) open glovebox remove 4 10mm bolts, two on each side of the door. Also 
remove the 10mm bolt in front of the latch on the top, and the one behind 
the latch loop (you will see, its obvous)

3) Slide whole glovebox out, revealing fan back and resistor pack up a 
little further. You are looking at the resistor pack from the rear so it 
looks like a metal plate with one philips screw and a 4 wire molex 
connector in the middle of it.

4) Remove resistor pack (if necessary) by unplugging wire, and using 
offset philips to remove screw. Pry out with flatblade. Might be tough, 
they use some sort of waxy glue which really sticks.  Put in new resistor 

5) remove fan assembly. Remove all the perimeter philips head screws (the 
one on top which holds the connector needs the offset) Use the flatblade 
to pry out fan. Again, its glued in so it may take a bit of prying. You 
will now notice that there is no possible way the fan can come out.  
Toward the center of the fan, you will have two more philips screws. 
Remove them to take off the back cover of the blower, then you can take 
out the squirrel cage.

6) assembly is reverse of removal (Starting to sound like a bently book!)

HINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once new fan is in position and tightened down, 
turn on the blower to make sure it isnt touching anything BEFORE you put 
the glove box back in. It is tight in there, you dont want the blades 
hitting anything, it will make a racket! (I had the foresight to do this 
before putting glovebox in, and its a good thing, I had to readjust it!)

Its as easy as that.. If you have questions let me know.


___/   __ \______    ___       __     ___  ___              __   
        _\_\_____)  / _ )___  / /    / _ \/ _ | __ _  ___ _/ /____
       (____)      / _  / _ \/ _ \  / // / __ |/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
__    (_____)     /____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
  \____(___)   bob.damato@snetel.com   http://snetel.com/audi/audi.html
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300 George St. New Haven CT  06510           |Pager: Dont count on it

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