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Re: 1984 UR-Q

At 12:14 PM 3/28/96 GMT, you wrote:

>Is there a suitable transmission substitute for this car, from a   

You could use a transmission AND rear differential from an '84 and up 4000
quattro.  Of these, the '84 is the one to get for 0-60 response; the later
ones for top end speed.  The gears of the trans. and rear ends are matched,
so the easiest thing to do is get both.

>What are my rebuild options?  The why question comes to mind.  If the trans
is trashed, how hard was this car driven?  What else is hashed?  The
suspension components on this car is $$ so be prepared.
>I am very interested in this car, but I have the distinct sensation that   
>I may be
>getting a little over my head.  What should I be watching for in this   
>particular model?
>I understand that it is going to involve a little more maintenance than   
>an average sports
>coupe, but are parts available and not too expensive?

Parts are available but are mostly expensive (TQC only parts anyway).

>How would I identify the
>vintage/year and US/European spec.

Post the VIN to the list, and someone will probably decipher it for you.

>I have a tremendous passions for this car, every since I had seen one in   
>a rally race
>, years ago when I was a mere tot.  However I already own an enduring but   
>wholely temperamental Z car, and this purchase may be a little too much work.

Two temperamental cars?  I hope you have more patience than I do.


John Karasaki

The Karasaki's, proud owners of AUDI automobiles

1981 Coupe
1982 TQC
1984 5000S Wagon
1990 V8