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turbo bar display

What should typical bar values be on the computer display panel on my 5000CDt
say for those times when I tramp it (like a highway on-ramp at 3 a.m.) or 
during a lane pass at 120kmh.  I have a feeling mine is very low.  Never 
goes above 1.2  Once I saw it at 1.3   And if I hear a very very slight 
hissing sound (almost like a buzzing) coming from the area of the turbo 
or near the fuel distributor lines, does it mean I have an air pressure 

 Stephen Siblock, Associate Registrar          Tel: 905-845-9430 x2695
 Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario, Canada   Fax: 905-815-4086
 Co-list-owner, OCUR-L "Ontario College and Universities' Registrars' 
 Discussion List" (OCUR-L@acs.ryerson.ca)
 '86 Audi 5000 CD Turbo Silver/Navy