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RE: rear caliper won't come off disk
On Saturday, May 04, 1996 2:57 PM, quattro-owner wrote:
>> From: RELAYER@aol.com
>> Date: Sat, 4 May 1996 13:44:53 -0400
>> Subject: rear caliper won't come off disk
>> Hey fellow Q men,
>> I've having trouble with my Coupe Q's rear brake pad replacement.
>> I cant get the caliper and pads off of the disk once I've undone the 2
>> screws that hold the caliper to the hub. I've got a small lip on the
>> edge of my disk and can't slide the pads off past it......and there's
>> place to use a C clamp to expand it. Let me know if anyone has any
ideas or
>> solutions to get the caliper and pads off the disk....
>> Thanks
>> Christian Long
>> 1990 90
>> 1990 Coupe Q
Perhaps you can stick a screw driver between the pads and caliper and use
it to pry the caliper piston into caliper by pushing on the pads.