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RE: Club activities

Now that is a direct answer!

If we can get a few more like this on the financials, event costs and fees and event & fee reimbursements for club officers then we may just resolve this little QCUSA credibility problem once and for all.

Now then, who does own U. Press and link?
Where were the bids placed, wen, how many bids and what were the quotes?
Who won the business and what was the winning bid?


From: 	Qclubusa@aol.com[SMTP:Qclubusa@aol.com]
Sent: 	Friday, May 03, 1996 6:48 PM
To: 	STEADIRIC@aol.com
Cc: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	Re: Club activities

. Mr. Beddor does NOT OWN UNIVERSAL PRESS AND LINK and the newspaper was put
out to bid.  Thank you!