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Re: quattro-digest V3 #431

> From: Brooks Ellis <brooks@fortnet.org>
[ oh, it's a 1990 100 Quattro ]
>         About a week or week and a half ago, by drivers side key-lock/unlock
> device has stopped functioning. Meaning - the door will lock if you press
> down on the internal lock-post; and will unlock if you pull up on it. When
> you try to use the key to lock/unlock, the whole cylendar will just spin
> around; and nothing will really happen...no lock, no unlock...:( just my
> blood pressure rising.
>         The door will also lock and unlock if you use the key in the
> passenger side keyhole-lock-mechanism-thang. It seems that I have heard of
> this happening to some degree of regularity to owners of that general style
> automobile. I looked at another Audi a while ago ( a '90 V8 Q) that had the
> same problem. The guy who was trying to sell it to me said that there is a
> little piece of plastic in the door lock mechanism that connects to the
> keyhole; or something to that effect. He said that his shop quoted him about
> $100 to fix it.

I have had the driver's side door handle out of my '90 200 for the 
same problem.  Actually, gettting it OUT is not hard - and my problem 
was one little broken part.  But getting the d**m thing back IN and 
TIGHT, complete with a spacer which has to be inserted, is a task 
which led me to language which almost turned our Pearl Audi into 
Ford's new "Mystic" color.  I could get the handle back  in and 
functioning, but I could NOT!!!! get the final spacer in, or get it 
tight and right.  I finally gave up and let the dealership do it.

However - if you can get it that far, it should cost you a lot less 
than $100 (probably all labor, and honestly priced at two hours +/-), 
so you might be a winner.  I bought a whole door handle at Fitz Auto 
Wrecking in Snohomish, WA and it still cost under $100......

Good luck.

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
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         "Illegitimati Non Carborundum" - Heinlein