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> From: AUDIDUDI@delphi.com

> 1) I'm in the process of removing the car phone that came with my car when I
> bought it ... the antenna on the rear window is resisting my efforts to come
> off gracefully and I'm reluctant to force it given the cost of replacing the
> unique "quattro" glass.  I checked with a shop but they wouldn't tell me how
> to it since they usually charge for this service...  Any tips?

I have found a wonderful general-purpose adhesive remover.  It's sold 
in this area at Hi/Lo auto parts stores; called "Motzenbacher's 
Label-Lifter".  Hey, with a name like that, it must be GREAT, right?  
Well, this stuff is really handy.  You can spot it because it comes 
in a spray can with three big horizontal stripes on the label - blue, 
yellow and red.  I would find some of this stuff, spray it on 
generously, and let it sit for about 3 minutes before attempting to 
remove the antenna.  You could also call a local cellular installer 
and ask how they do it...

One other thought - latex paint remover like "Goof-Off" (check paint 
stores) is often a good adhesive cutter.

> 2) The Bentley manual for the '89 200q does not show how to remove the front
> speaker grills so I can replace the speakers ... any clues/tips?

On my '90 200 (Bose), there is a trick to this.  I tried prying 
gently on the air louver area at the forward edge of the speaker, but it 
didn't really want to give.  Then I got smart and moved to the edge 
of the screen over the speaker ITSELF, and it popped up easily.  
Turns out that on my model, the plastic surround is screwed down and 
will break if pried - but the screen pops off to give access to the 
screws which hold on the plastic surround with air louvers.

> 4) Is there a "magic" lotion or potion that makes it easy to remove the body
> cavity wax that's starting to leak out of the doors, etc. now that summer is
> here and it's getting hot?  I've tried lots of things but only scraping will
> work thus far and I'm concerned about damaging the finish.

I don't know another solution - but if you have to keep scraping, use 
an old credit card or similar plastic edge so you will have much less 
tendency to scratch.

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/rpe/alpage.htm
         "Illegitimati Non Carborundum" - Heinlein