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Re: Buy Dan a New Motor Fund

>Annnouncing the "BUY DAN A NEW MOTOR FUND"
>I think as a payback for all of Dan's work
>we should all pitch in ten bucks and buy
>dan a new motor.  I will voluteer the first
>ten.  I think it would be bad form to for me
>to "hold the bag" so I am looking for a volunteer
>who we can all trust.  Nominations? Yes,
>I AM serious.  Good job Dan, too bad about he car.

I have a Hamilton with Dan's name on it.  Just let me know what you
all decide on its destination and off it goes.

Can't think of when I got so much for $10.  The collective wisdom on
the list has saved me BIG$.  Due to traffic I haven't/won't send thank
you for the help notes each time y'all save my wallet.  So let me take
this opportunity to say thanks for the past help and in to the future.


Mark P
'86 5KCSTQ