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Oil Additives

 From: JRheeman@aol.com
 Subject: Oil Additives - Rislone, Marvel Mystery, TufOil?

[questions about various oil additives deleted.]

Jason - I suspect you will get more than one response to this, but 
here's my (informed) OPINION:

1)  If the aftermarket oil additives were really as good as they are 
claimed to be, their equivalent would have been incorporated into the 
oil when it was formulated.

2)  Modern motor oils are extremely carefully designed for specific 
purposes and specific uses.  Adding aftermarket additives to them 
almost never improves them, and frequently does nothing at all except 
spend your money.

3)  People have a great capacity to perceive and believe what they 
want to.   Therefore, people often add things to their oil and 
then *perceive* improvement when in fact there is no change.

4)  One specific type of additives, those containing teflon, should 
be AVOIDED.  Military tests which I have seen document the facts that 
teflow will NOT bond to engine parts under under automotive operating 
temperatures, and that under cold conditions, the teflon particles 
can clump in the oil pan and block the oil pickup.  This cuts off oil 
flow to the engine and fries the engine quickly.

5)  If you want a superior oil in terms of lubrication, ability to 
dissipate heat and resistance to mechanical and chemical breakdown, 
run a good quality synthetic oil.  As of this date, the top three in 
ascending order of quality (IMO) are Mobil 1, Amsoil, and Red Line.  
As you go up the scale, prices go up, too.  DO NOT put oil additives 
in synthetic oils or you will really screw up their chemistry.

The most frequently mentioned (in this group) fix for clicking lifters in 
the Audi I-5 engine is to change to synthetic motor oil.

*IMHO* all Audis driven by those who plan to keep them running well 
and trouble-free are best protected by sing synthetic lubricants in 
engine, transmission and transaxle, as well as the differentials in Quattro 

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
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         "Illegitimati Non Carborundum" - Heinlein