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Re: QC History

 Eric writes:

> >Let's leave this behind us, take the facts QCUSA sees fit to release,
> >compare with what we'd like and take it from there.
> I'm waiting for a answer just like you and many other's on this list.  
> But all that the QCUSA is providing us with is Press Release's....
> Later!
> Eric Fletcher

Whilst I think (have thought for a few days now) that some of the
posted comments re QCUSA should be worded in less inflammatory terms,
and that QCUSA should be given the chance to respond, I fully agree
with Eric here.

"Press Release" is exactly what came to my mind when I read the first
(I assume more are forthcoming) QCUSA response. There was nothing new
there, I'd heard it all before. I would say that it resolved nothing
and merely served to increase suspicions/mistrust.

Still waiting for the real answers,
Chris Palmer (1995 S6 Wagon)                "Ashes to ashes,
Data General Corporation                     dust to dust,
Enterprise Solutions Engineering Division    If Lillee don't get yer,
chris_palmer@dg.com                          Thommo must!"