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Re: Deceleration Problem
In a message dated 96-05-08 10:51:12 EDT, you write:
>Wonder if any else has seen this problem. I've got an 89 200 Q.
>Intermiittantly, the car doesn't decelerate immediately after letting of the
>gas. When I shift at say 4000 rpm, I let off the gas & push in the clutch,
>but the engine stays at 4K for a few moments. It doesn't appear to be a
>mechanical problem. ie stuck cable. Where should I look first.
.... The problem could be in a variety of places.... First, the later
200tq's use a bleed at the t-body that doesn't allow the slam shut throttle
from full accel.... It basically bleeds the boost line from the freq valve
for the WG thru this valve so that, the throttle delays full close,
eliminating the slam shut throttle turbo pressure spikes the 5ktq's
experience (pops end caps off IC, blown tbody hose, etc).... Second, there
is a decel valve at the air boot, that takes vacuum air from the CIS to turbo
pipe and feeds it back to the air box, lowering the air flap when idle switch
is activated.... You will need to ck the idle switch for resistance (should
be continuity at the tbody idle switch - center common top is idle, botttom
is WOT)..... The next thing to ck is the proper operation of the idle
stabilizer valve, it could be sticking, but chances are the symptoms would
manifest themselves in the idling more than the 4krpm mode...... Carefully
run the diagnostics for the decel valve, that would be my suspicion...