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Keyless entry details

     Ok guys/gals here's your chance to flame me for faulty wiring ==:)  
     The attatched file is a zipped .bmp file.  If you need a different 
     format, email me directly.  
     I did not get a chance to try it yet, but I think this system can be 
     installed without the extra door lock actuator(DS2-2SQ).  If you 
     notice, I am sending a ground signal to the alarm system to 
     arm/disarm(through RS relays).  I think the same can be accomplished 
     by sending a ground signal to the central locking system. 
     All of the components listed cost about $110.00
     I did not include in my parts list wire and connectors.
     Good Luck and I appologize for the bandwidth of the zip file
     Tim NJ 90CQ, 77Spitfire   

Unknown data type