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Re: 4000Q that won't start after a good rain?

>Please help!  My '85 4000Q is getting harder and harder to start.


>Why does it seem to happen after a good rain!?  All suggestions welcome!
>Thank you,

Bad spark plug wires will cause problems in the rain. The insulation 
gets cracked and, when wet, the spark is bled off to the engine block.
Sometimes you can see this if someone cranks the car when it's dark.
You can see sparks from the wires to ground.

A quick fix to get you going on a rainy day, is to spray the plug wires
with WD-40. This displaces the water and usually the car will start.

The real fix, of course, is to replace the wires. Also, check the 
distributer cap for cracks.

'86 4000CS Quattro