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RE: questions

Now we have a date. Thank you, Karen.

Since QCUSA has apparently seen fit to limit their reply (to the
collective questions posed by this list) to QCUSA members only, would
any list member who is also a QCUSA member please post their reply here?

I will propose that if QCUSA does not reply to this list as well as
their members directly, that constitutes strike one. If the reply we
finally ferret out does not satisfy the criteria we have attempted to
articulate (i.e. no "Press Releases", we have asked for fairly specific,
easily produced info), strike two. If the info provided meets the
allegations of impropriety suggested here, strike three, and we start
our own group. Remember, a hitter can get a home run after two strikes,
so let's try to work this out before we go off on our own.

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	Qclubusa@aol.com[SMTP:Qclubusa@aol.com]
>Sent: 	Thursday, May 09, 1996 11:54 AM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	questions
>The board will be meeting may 20th to discuss member concerns and
> Any information regarding club matters, financial or otherwise, will
>directed to club members through the newsletter or individual mailings.