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Re: To 1.8, or not to 1.8?

>Well, I've come to the conclusion that Audi is looking at its US market
>as a red headed step child.  We never get the fun cars:  No S2, RS2, only
>one year of the 5sp V8, no new S4, let alone the S4 Plus (with the V8),
>or the S8, and now it looks like we wont get the 1.8t.  Plus, the Audi
>dealers all seem to be less than stellar, and Audi isn't doing anything
>about it.  We make up a very small share of Audi's total market, so its
>like they don't want to waste their breath on us.  They don't loose out,

There must be another reason, Audi would be lucky if it sold half a days
production in Australia, but we've had the S2 &RS2 & A8's are now available
used. The 1.8t is officially released (but I havent seen one yet) & the S8
will be available by order.

The 1.8 I want to see will be the A3 1.8t, now that should be quick!

What we dont get is much choice within the model. For instance the V8 was
sold here with no options available, you either liked the package or didnt
buy it. (maybe thats why they only sold 25!) The A8 is the same, if you
like the car you see in the showroom then buy it, coz the other cars are
all the same except the color, which dark color with black interior would
you like? Not a very good attitude for a company trying to sell cars for
$200,000! And the reason that the old man takes delivery of his new LeSux
this week, even though he admits that the A8 is a better car. As much as I
tried the service from LeSux leaves the Audi MB & BMW dealers for dead. So
there goes my only chance of getting a used A8 at the right price in a few

It'll be interesting to see how the A8 holds its value in the US. In
Australia, the resale value of prestige cars is usually distorted by the
manufactures, who seek to keep the retained value high by trading cars at
high prices. Not so with Audi who are selling  demo cars with 10,000km for
$150K. Doesnt look promising for the people who have paid 50 grand more.


John Firkins