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Re: Oil Filters - Fram sux

At 11:34 AM 5/11/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Regarding all the posts about oil filters:  it is not necessarily "better"
>that the filter material in one filter is thicker than that in another.  It
>may result in more pressure drop and therefore reduced oil flow.  I don't
>necessarily "swear" by Fram; I've just haven't had any problems using them
>in the last 25 or so years.

I won't buy Fram filters for an incident they had with motorcycle filters a
while back.  The PH6017 motorcycle filters they had made in Malaysia didn't
have the threads cut properly and were blowing off at high engine speed /
cold temperature.  I had to hear about the recall on the 'net (rec.moto).
Not exactly ideal quality control especially since my bike filter is right
in front of the rear tire.  I haven't bought Fram since.

 - Mitch Loescher