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Quirky Stuff
> From: "John \"Magnus\" Altinger" <altinger@max-net.com>
> Subject: Them Audi Gods!!
> THey did it to me again today! [ETC....]
John.....buddy....stay in a dark, padded room and breathe shallow
breaths....this may be the only way to stay be today!! :-)
> From: pjwales@magicnet.net (Peter Wales)
> Subject: Re:more boost
> Finally I would prefer to have no protection against a diaphragm split( the
> way you guys go on, one would think the roads are littered with dead Audis
> with split diaphragms) than risk detonation by advancing the ignition timing
> under boost. If you are going to put a divider in there and then remap it,
> why the hell don't you just change the software to move the boost limit up?
> I love experts
TOUCHE! Peter, I like your posts. But h**l, everyone on this list
is an expert!!!! You know that by now! (Some of us just ain't
figgurd owt whut our expurteez is, tho....) Lessee...if I wuz reely
smart, shouldn't I be rich? Instead-a just good lookin'???....
> From: Stephen Siblock <steve.siblock@sheridanc.on.ca>
> Subject: New Chip Dicovered!!!
Steve - LOVE it. Printed it for my wife. She's convinced that all
of us on this list really TRY to placate those perverse Audi gods
every day.
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
Ag Communications Fax: 409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Email: a-powell1@tamu.edu
College Station, TX 77843-2112
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"Illegitimati Non Carborundum" - Heinlein