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Re: Flat paint maintenance

At 11:20 AM 5/14/96 -0800, you wrote:
>My '83 urQ has a flat black finish on the panel between the rear window and
>the wing, as well as on the vertical strips near the doors.  Is this
>normal?  What is the best way to maintain it and return it to a deep black?
>Also, does anyone know of a paint or other coating I can apply myself
>which will stand up to use on the brake calipers?  TIA
>Richard Funnell,
>San Jose, California
>'83 urQ
>'87 560 SL

This flat black is normal.  Didn't Audi go with the body color in these
areas on the '85 and up TQCs?  If you find out how to maintain the flat
paint, please e-mail me.

John Karasaki

The Karasaki's, proud owners of AUDI automobiles

1981 Coupe
1982 TQC
1984 5000S Wagon
1990 V8