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Re: QCUSA...

>Not to fan the flames but if anyone hears anything about the outcome of the
>Board (Bored?) meeting that was supposed to take place this evening, please
>let me know...

Like there going to tell us..........  Besides it seems that news of our 
questioning QCUSA has made it to the ranks of the BMW club... I had about 
25 inquires at the St. Louis BMW Drivers School (More to come on that) by 
some of the BMW boys and girls including about 10 former members of the 
QCUSA..... Seems everybody thought that a Audi Owners Group would be a 
great idea Vs. The Q-centric group that's in exisentince.  There were 
also a ton of negitive comments about both the past and present leaders, 
(Board members, Presidents, and "Instructors") as being very arrogant and 
impresed with themsevles....  Oh well mabe it's time for a new 


Eric Fletcher
St. Louis, MO