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Re:Audi Trans Am

>I won't give this one a bzzzzzzt, but I seem to recall Scott Goodyear
>listed as a driver in a couple of events. Not sure if it was for a 4 car 
>or as a fill in position when one of the primary 3 couldn't make it. I will
>go through my archives and see what I find. Maybe Scott ran one of the
>IMSA cars?

Well you'd be going up against both my old SCCA Trans/Am Result sheets 
and Audis own Publication "The 1988 American TransAm Championship, The 
Story of a Double Success".  I also need to dig up my old IMSA result 
sheets but I'm positive that Scott Goodyear never ran in the GTO races.  
He may have drivin the Canadian Firehawk car.  But he never raced a Audi 
in the US.


Eric Fletcher
St. Louis, MO