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Re: 4kq

Richard Haroutunian wrote:
> No one will answer my questions!
> I need to know what i should do about my fading brakes.. Does it matter much
> if i go to a Midas or a Meineke?  Or is ts better that I go staright to my
> Audi guy and 'pay a lot' for my brakes with all orig. parts, etc.
> Any info on this would be helpful!!

If I had to go one or the other, I'd pick Midas.  We have both
in nearby Acton Mass.  The Midas shop there seems to know what
they are doing and they treat you well too.

I have never had my brakes done there.  I would bet some money
that the brake pads that they would use are not as good as the
OEM or any number of performance aftermarket pads.  A good
foreign car place should be able to give you the best of both
worlds (price and performance).  See the vendor list in the
archives.  Some vendors have been recommended on this list that
are near where you work in Belmont and Newton.  I do all of my
own repairs, so I am out of touch on this subject.

I would rank the brake pads that I have tried as follows (number
1 being the best):

1    Girling (OEM)
2    Repco Deluxe
999  Bendix

Don Hoefer
'82 Coupe