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Stud Fees

In a message dated 96-05-23 10:32:35 EDT, you write:

>        Heard a ticking sound coming from the front of the engine ON MY 89
>200TQ. since I use mobil-1 I kmew it was not the lifters. So I
>went to see Roland the audi god, he confirmed broken stud on the exhaust
>manifold. I havent seen any posts on this so any info is helpful .
>        the car only has 85,000mi on it.
>        thank

.....common audi problem, has to do with the rigidity of the exhaust system
as a whole with the audis....  The first "suspension" for the exhaust is at
the Cat; that's a lot of weight for the turbo to hold....   Might also want
to inspect the right motor mount to make sure it hasn't heat cycled itself
into destruction.....  You should have an air duct from your oil cooler
intake that routes to the right MM.... IF that is missing or crunched chances
are your motor mount is gone.....  You can take the two 15mm nuts off the
bottom of the mount, does the mount twist freely or fall into your hands
(remember you didn't remove the mount to engine strut nut)?  If so the mount
is bad, common problem from turbo heat....  The bad mount causes too much
torque over of the engine on lift throttle, putting all the stress on the
exhaust manifold studs....  If you decide to tackle the studs, be advised you
will prolly break at least 2 more in the removal process, usually the #5
(close to WG heat), and 1or 2 for Thor, the tithe god for the audi

Good luck 
