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Stapleton Pics on line/ New Audi WWW page
Hello fellow Audi fans,
Remember me (I think my last post was asking about a cool quattro def)? I
have been rather quite the past month because I have been working on my
Audi WWW page called "Quat Continuum". The Quat Continuum is not totaley
complete, web pages never. However there is now enough
cool Audi stuff to make this site interesting.
I invite all Audi ethusiast to take a look. The Quat Continuum will
have useful info for all Audi owners, but will focus on the Rocky Mountain
state area. The Quat Continuum is home to the Colorado Region Qclub
usa. Here you will find a complete review of the Stapleton Event
including PICS and a MAP of the track.
The other sections are: Colorado tunners and shops, Audi pics and rebuilds,
Colorado Region home page, Audi links, UrQ & Audi Sport (not yet started,
working with Dave Lawson on this one), and Some info on the A8 (will be
somewhat complete by end of next week). Some improvements will be much
more info and return icons at the bottoms of the pages.
Again, I invite all you Q-lister to take a look. Any comments,
sujestions or submissions are more than welcome and wanted (as long as I
don't get the bashing that the Qclub USA received, HA).
Catch you all at the Quat Continuum!
Chris Tucker