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RE: coupe thoughts...

They did. Called it the S2. Kinda forgot to import it, though. How about
stuffing a '91 200Q/S4/S6 motor into a '90 or '91 CQ? Instant S2. Also
could suck the headlights out of most anything w/proper mods. My '90 CQ
is a great starting point for me, but I'm not that financially

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	Graydon D. Stuckey[SMTP:graydon@apollo.gmi.edu]
>Sent: 	Friday, May 24, 1996 4:12 PM
>To: 	Quattro list
>Subject: 	coupe thoughts...
>Saw a new Monte Carlo yesterday...
>Saw a nice mid '80s 635 this afternoon...
>Got me thinkin'...   (it happens once in awhile:-)
>Yeah, you guessed it, Wouldn't it be nice if Audi had built an '86-'88
>5000 Coupe Quattro?  You know, a notchback, like the WMB 6/8 series. 
>Maybe they could shorten the wheelbase about 5 inches, shave off a
>hundred pounds, and give it the 20V engine, and a few more HP...  That
>would have been a fabulous car!  Imagine a svelte 3100#, 230HP 
>(expandable to 300+) 2-door coupe, with AWD.  Kinda sounds like a
>killer doesn't it?
>	Now just how hard would it be to cut the chassis.....
>Graydon D. Stuckey								
>Flint, Michigan   USA
>'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, GDS Racing Stage II				