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RE: ABS - 90Q

Has any work been done near the wheel bearings recently? Sounds like
mebbe an ABS sensor is out of its appropriate location. They are very
sensitive to distance from the toothed ring on the halfshaft they pick
up speed from, new ones come with a sacrificial plastic thingy that
makes it easy to set the correct distance.

Another possible is ABS computer not getting juice (but wouldn't that
also kill the dash idiot lite?). I had lack of ABS on my '89 90, the
dealer applied $25 worth of troubleshooting, discovered corroded
connections on the back of the fusebox, cleaned up while there, voila,
no more lack of ABS.

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	vjokic@iaw.on.ca[SMTP:vjokic@iaw.on.ca]
>Sent: 	Friday, May 24, 1996 7:41 PM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	ABS - 90Q
>I have a problem with the ABS on my 88 90Q. Indication lamp 'Antilock
>comes ON after the car has been driven about 30 sec. If I press the
>OFF' switch twice, the lamp goes off, but comes back on within next 30
>seconds of driving, etc.
>Does anybody know what might be the problem?
>Thank you.
>88 90Q