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RE: V8 shudder...

Does indeed sound like your rear diff is locked. I thought the V8s had
Torsen rears, if so, not sure what could be causing it. Can Torsens get
stuck fully locked?

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	mark.hogan@triteal.com[SMTP:mark.hogan@triteal.com]
>Sent: 	Monday, May 27, 1996 9:45 PM
>To: 	quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	V8 shudder...
>Here's an interesting one...past few days, when I have the steering
>almost to full lock and the car is moving (say into a parking space)
>front end shudders.  It feels similar to my Trooper when the diffs are
>locked.  Also, the ABS off light has been kicking on (as well as the
>not only when parking, but also at speed.  Just had the steering rack
>replaced last month, and these seem to have popped up since then.  Any
>BTW, have had problems with my mail server the past several
>days...apologize for any bounces or missed messages.
>Mark Hogan
>Bethesda, MD
>90 V8
>88 Trooper II 4wd (for sale)
>94 Safari awd