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RE: OOOOwww-D takes 'em to school in KY... A MUST READ!!
Go git 'em! Makes my heart proud to be even mildly associated with such
an effort!
Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro
>From: Steve Verona[SMTP:vrona@infinet.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 1996 12:27 PM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: OOOOwww-D takes 'em to school in KY... A MUST READ!!
>I swear I will try to keep this short... it will be difficult. This
>weekend there were two events run in Richmond, KY, a fun /warmup race
>on Sat.
>and a regional CenDiv Championship points event on Sunday. The CenDiv
>are one step down from national level races. I had the greatest
>ever at this event in my class; 8 cars, 1 national champion, 1 3rd
>National finisher, and 1 trophy runner at nats, all in "the hot cars"
>for the
>class, Celica's and MX3's. The Paseo I beat at the last race is gone.
>sold it for an MX3 because he almost flipped it trying to catch me;-)
>Anyway, Saturday I ran pretty bad. Basically I raced with my head up
>my @#$!
> I had very little sleep all week and I was distracted all day long.
>with my problems, I took 3rd out of "the fast four" in HS less than a
>behind the race winner, former Nat. Champ, Jack Burns. I felt pretty
>being within a second. On a decent day I could have run with him and
>on a
>good day I know I can beat him.
>Then it happened, at 5am on Sunday I woke up my wife and said "can you
>that?" and she looked at me and said "what, the rain?", I said not only
>rain "the sound of victory!";-) From 5am until about 3pm it rained so
>that rivers formed on the track. All morning people were commenting on
>how I
>had the advantage over everyone else. They keep forgetting that there
>other 4wd cars at these events too. Also, I was starting to feel the
>pressure from everyone. Honestly, I was concerned about embarassing
>since I have only run the car in the rain one time.
>I was the first car on the course and I took it VERY easy as I was
>the lot is like an ice rink in the wet. I turned in a 68.xxx time.
>Jack went out and ran a 72.xxx, I guess I was faster than I thought.
>John Fessler ran his MX3 with a time of 68.xxx, one tenth faster than
>me and
>he was very excited. Everybody looked to me to see my reaction. I
>smiled because I knew I could go at least 3 or 4 seconds faster. On my
>second run, I put it ALL together! I knew it was a fast time as I came
>across the line. I had my fist in the air when the anouncer asked "is
>time correct?" and the scorer said "yes". Then Loyd said "Are you
>ready for
>this? Steve Verona has responded to the pressure with an unbeleivable
>of 62.4xx seconds!!!" Everybody went crazy and my hands were
>shaking... what
>a rush. It is amazing how fast the quattro can run in the wet in a
>wheel drift;-)
>Nobody was able to come close in any class for the resr of the heat.
>On my
>thrird and final run, I goofed around trying different things and ran a
>60 something lap. I am sure the car could have run 2 or 3 seconds
>than my best time, but I showed soem mercy;-) The closest competitor
>in my
>class was almost 5 seconds behind me. That was John Fessler, a very
>rain driver. The closest car in any class at that point was over 4
>behind. This is truely a HUGE margin in autocross.
>As the day went on lots of people came by to congrat me. The anouncer
>having a ball with the fact that nobody was even coming close to my
>time in
>the "slowest class", H Stock. Even the formula cars on special rain
>were 4 seconds behind me. It was looking like a sure bet that my time
>be the Fastest Time of Day, FTD. This would be a record, an HS car
>FTD at a CenDiv event!
>Then the party came to an end as the sun came out for the last run
>group of
>the day which included the B Modified cars, Formula Atlantics, Formula
>Continentals, Sports racers, etc. As the track dried, the times came
>dramatically. The fastest cars, the BM cars, came within a second of
>me when
>the track was 95% dry. Everyone was amazed that they still had not
>me. Then for the last 15 cars of the day, the track was not only dry,
>hot. The B Mod cars beat my time as well as two other cars.
>Everybody knew I would have had FTD by several seconds had the rain not
>away or even if the track was damp. I got a tremendous round of
>during the awards presentation. The anouncer said that they just
>one of the greatest drives ever. Now they know why the quattro's are
>from Trans Am;-)
>Are we having fun yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Steven Verona
>Next race is the National event in Pittsburgh this weekend... pray for