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Re: OOOOwww-D takes 'em to school in KY... A MUST READ!!

The noble and quite retired Bob hauls out his Tom-Tom, and alters our
usually lovely May weather pattern:

> The whole Fugahwhee tribe will be doing their rain dance for you.  :-)
> Right, Bart?

HEY BOB, Quit that racket!  Damn rain hasn't slacked-off since I taught
you that secret family lick 'tother night on our way to Pirate's Cove!
(Good Q weather, on the other hand...)

I gotta admit, for "dog" people, you and the lovely Annetta are the tops,
don't even know any "cat" people that are any finer!  About which speaking
(cats, that is), did your boys give you any shi... errr, "hassle" about the
scent coming from the pound or three of cat-hair you doubtless got encrusted
with by sitting in our furniture?


(yer Kindly ol' Unka) Bart
Cancer-Free Frau Dora, 

'94 *Feline Varmints* "Dune" and "Bubba"
(fond memory of feline varmints Spike & Felix in my heart)
'86 Indischrot Carrera Cabriolet, 
'87 Alpenweis Syncro.