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Re: Uniden failure!
At 09:10 AM 5/31/96 -0400, Steve Marinello@Newpark wrote:
>Well, don't be so fast Graydon. I have been extremely well satisfied with
>my old Uniden RD-9, which was rated highly way back when and never failed
>to perform as advertised. Uniden could have slipped, but...I was thinking
>of going back to them after my recent purchase of a Bel 745STiPlus, the #1
>rated unit. After about two hours on the road, it definitely gave up the
>ghost! NADA! It will go through it's self test as if everything is okay
>if you turn it off and on, but nothing is really working. I teseted it
>against the old RD-9.
> [snip]
>For the two hours that the Bel worked, it appeared to be all that it was
>reported to be...we'll see with a replacement. Actually, I may try to work
>a deal for the new 945, which is the battery powered version of the 745.
I have a 745STi Plus and have never really felt comfortable with it. I
received as replacement for a dead 645 STi Plus that never worked. I just
down think it gives great range and it falses alot (including falses from my
cellular phone that BEL acknowledges).
As far as I can tell, that is just the way these are. I'm debating what I
should get to go in the Q - Whistler, Escort, or Uniden. All have units
under $150...
David M. Robbins Net2Net Corporation
Product Manager 131 Coolidge Street
drobbins@net2net.com Hudson, Mass. 01749
http://www.net2net.com (508) 568-0600 x252