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RE: mad dogs (and EPROM mods)
The issue _is_ stating exactly what work will be
performed and at what price. No more, no less.
I had a discussion with Ned at the recent Bremerton event.
I introduced myself and we began discussing the mods to
his car. When I asked "what size turbocharger is that" and
pointed to the large one in his car, he got quiet. He then
said that it was a hybrid - a KKK unit with a larger
fresh air side. He didn't just want to tell me.
And that's OK.
Why can't vendors simply state what they intend to do to
your vehicle? Kind of an itemized list, e.g. R&R ECU,
Remove chip, install socket, modify fuel map, burn new
chip, install new chip, etc. This way, they don't
have to divulge _WHAT_ they're putting in, just that
they are modifying the code (or not).
EXACTLY. If you're pushing 'chip upgrades' you damn well better alter/improve the CHIP
and not just some cheapo HW hack - regardless if claimed HP = delivered HP. If you're not
altering the code in the chip DON'T call it a chip upgrade - SIMPLE - call it
a ECU modification. Why is this concept so difficult to grasp?
Peter? Glenn? Eric? others? Can we agree on a principle here?
Complete agreement and 100% support. I also fully respect those that do the R&D to develop their
legitimately advertised mods and they deserve protection of their developed intellectual property.
Just be honest.
Yes, I'll shutup now,