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Re: mad dogs (and EPROM mods)
In a message dated 96-05-31 14:08:35 EDT, you write:
>The point of this is simple. There are vendors who provide
>services here. There are people who buy them. There are
>others who do it themselves.
>From my perspective as a person who could fall into all
>three categories (I sell contract engineering services
>for a living), I propose the following.
>Why can't vendors simply state what they intend to do to
>your vehicle? Kind of an itemized list, e.g. R&R ECU,
>Remove chip, install socket, modify fuel map, burn new
>chip, install new chip, etc. This way, they don't
>have to divulge _WHAT_ they're putting in, just that
>they are modifying the code (or not).
...... Steve, not sure after rereading Glen's posts, that this is not
EXACTLY his point and desires, as well as, mine and yours..... The fact that
he singled out PW for this exercise is irrelevent to the core of the
argument, which is the same as yours, in fact, might even be more
specific.... If ones says in their commercial Propygandy that chips are
being modified, when in fact they are not, that is nothing short of
deceptive, and violates what you propose above as well..... The debate may
be in the INFERENCE that a chip is modified (may want to read the "page"
reference glen is alluding to - not sure inference is such a gray color in
this instance) when indeed it is not, that IMHO, as well as glen's, is just
as much of a violation of the truth, ethics and honesty.... A Chip mod has a
clear meaning to it, as in reprogramming, an ECU mod is clear as well. Chip
mod - the chip has to be removed from the board by desoldering, reprogrammed,
and reinstalled (or new "different" reprogrammed chip).... That is a lot of
work even if all you are doing is putting in a socket for the stock chip,
btdt...... To snip a wire from the pressure transducer and putting in some
"interference" type I/O device in the ECU is hardly a task (and by computer
definition a hack) even the most lightweight of solderers could do with
ease.... From a marketing perspective, an ECU mod might INFER a
MacGuyver-type tape and wire hack, but your proposed "rules of conduct" might
just make THAT inference less grotesque sounding. Regardless, none of us are
pontificating (yet) on the MEANS to the end (+tweek = more ponies = more
fun), just an honest ethical and CLEARLY stated mission...... Your ROC's
could accomplish this, and could be a great base to "rule" our Vendor list.
However, right now, there are a few "vendors" that won't, don't, aren't
following any rules of conduct or ethics in the marketing of the means....
A point Glen drove home well. On review, not sure your post here has put
you in a different audi....