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RE: Question on 90 100s timing belt??
Re: post-start grinding sound - sounds like maybe the spring pulling the
starter off the flywheel is not as strong as it once was, or maybe the
starter solenoid is not disengaging quickly enough after you release the
key from the "Start" position to the "Run" position.
Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro
>Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 1996 8:10 AM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Question on 90 100s timing belt??
>IS this the 2.2 that needs a new timing belt at 60k? I might have
>missed the
>letters on timing belts and don't have (can't afford) the acces to the
>. Also, it (the 100) makes a quick grinding sound JUST after it begins
>to turn
>over under its own power (ie. the starter is still spinning down). Any
>John Russell
>"I drive the vehicle of the gods -- and it is Audi Q"