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Re: twin turbos?

On Wed, 5 Jun 1996 PDQSHIP@aol.com wrote:

>  a G60 is not the answer.......  That particular application is too hot by
> design, and not a pride and joy from an engineering perspective....  that G60
> was to be the vr6 stopgap for the corrado and some rally golfs, the corrado
> G60 never caught on, in fact VW had to send a lot back to Das Disneylund
> (don't correct please) cuz they couldn't give them away....  I understand
> more than 1 Supercharger manufacturer is going after the 2-3liter market....
>  Very soon....  I tried the 5.0 liter mustang vortex MAP, but couldn't dial
> it "back" enough....   Right track on the thinkin tho....  I knew I gave too
> big a hint....

The SC from the Tbird SC works really well on the 5 cyl... :)

       bob.damato@snetel.com   http://snetel.com/audi/audi.html
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