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RE: Kamei Grills for 90/Coupe

Plus, according to images on the South African Audi Web page, the new
Cabrios have the projector bulbs, similar to the new S6s (I think). Now
all we need to do is find a source of lights from a country that drives
on the correct side (sorry, Matt) of the road.

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	ir000185@pop3.interramp.com[SMTP:ir000185@pop3.interramp.com]
>Sent: 	Thursday, May 23, 1996 10:19 AM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	RE: Kamei Grills for 90/Coupe
>>You could go one better like I have done on my 1989 Coupe and fit the
>>newer grill and bonnet.  It now looks like a 1992+ Coupe.
>Is that all that is required? I looked at a Cabriolet this weekend and
>it looked like the front end parts 
>were the same, how aboot the headlights, are they the same? I think the
>new look would look very 
>good on my Coupe.
>Anyone out the know where I can get a hood from a Cabriolet cheap?
>Todd - Akron, Oh
>'90 Coupe q
>Other lesser beasts...