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Socket Source

> On Sat, 8 Jun 1996, Krayon Blak wrote: (regarding his transaxle 

> > So do they make hex sockets big enough to take those plugs out or am I
> > missing something here?

I bit the bullet, went to a local tool & welding supply firm, and 
ordered one. $15 for ONE socket.  And for that matter, you won't 
believe how massive a 17mm socket IS!  Shoot, you could hold a fuelie 
dragster in place with a bolt that size.......

But any tool firm (maybe not an auto parts store, but a place which 
really deals in a wide range of tools)  can order one for you once 
you explain enough times that they figure out what you want.

NOTE: Expect that it will only be available in 1/2" drive, so make 
sure you have an adapter to use it on your 3/8" drive wrench.

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843           Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/rpe/alpage.htm
"Baseball is 90 percent mental.  The other half is physical"...
...Yogi Berra.