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Re: 1997 Calendars $25 each

On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Robert Myers wrote:

> BTW,  Ms. Harrer indicated that she may be able to provide the pictures from
> the calendar to me electronically so that they may be "placed on the
> internet".  Who wants 'em for posting?  I don't have them yet.  

Thanks for getting calendar info on the list's behalf.  I am in the
process of scanning the '96 calendar know, and will be putting them on
my audispeed site soon(http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/~mdc/audispeed)[<--under
I would appreciate it if you could forward the '97 images when you get
them.  You can simply attach them to a mail, size isn't a concern on my
end.  Or if you prefer, I can set it up so you can ftp them.

Lastly, if anyone has slides or prints they would like digitized,
as well as video, let me know(Audi related of course).

johnstevens@ucsd.edu		  Multimedia Development Center
La Jolla, California      University of California at San Diego

"The frontiers are not east or west, north or south, but
wherever a man fronts a fact."       -Henry David Thoreau, 1849