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Re: Turbo Boost Reading, Oil Pressure, Noisy Fuel Pump

William_SWails@mail.amsinc.com writes:
>      I just purchased an 89 200 Quattro, and I have a few questions:
>      1)  The turbo boost readings appear to be wrong. At idle it displays 
>      .3-.4 bar, at 4000 RPM it displays .7-.9 bar. I believe the turbo is 
>      working as I feel a substantial increase in torque and acceleration 
>      beginning around 3500 RPM. Any suggestions?

The boost level is not only dependent on the engine speed, it
is also related to throttle position and engine load.  For example,
at 4000 rpm, if you were climbing uphill and have the throttle wide
open there will be a substantial amount of boost.  On the other hand,
if you were coasting downhill with little throttle, there will be little
boost (high vacuum) even if the engine is turning at 4000 rpm.
Also, if you have the car in neutral and rev the engine up, you will
not see much boost...

Generally, with a stock KH or MC turbo five (your car should have the
latter) your gauge should read about 0.5-0.7 under part-throttle
cruising conditions, and up to 1.3-1.4 on full throttle acceleration.

>      2)  What is normal for oil pressure? When the engine is warm, the oil 
>      pressure gauge reads just a little over 1 bar. When the engine is cold 
>      it sometimes goes to 5 bar.

This sounds about right.

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