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Re: Hints on CV removal?

On Jun 24, 10:51am, Michael Spiers wrote:
> Subject: Hints on CV removal?
>[ ...]
>  After about an hour of hammering, it's still on there.  Mr. Bentley says
> something about an internal circlip, which I sorta found (I think) and tried
> expand while a buddy hammered on it (thanks for the help, Cello.)

	I found it impossible to do  while the drive shaft was on the
	car.  I took it off and took it to a mechanic. He put it in
	a big vise, held the the circlip open with a pair of needlenose
	pliers (I think he had some means of locking them) and hammered
	the CV joint off. Took him less than ten minutes.

	In summary, you have the right idea, but it's pretty difficult
	(if not impossible) to do with the driveshaft on the car --
	it took a fair amount of hammering to get the thing off.

	Hope that helps!

	'85 5KT (124K)
	'91 200Q (43K)

Arun Rao
Pixar Animation Studios
1001 W. Cutting Blvd.
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804