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Purchasing from the D&W Catalog
Anybody out there every found a way to purchase items from the D&W
Catalog? I spoke to them in Germany, they said they don't ship
directly to the USA, due to problems with the EPA. They do ship to
Canada, however. Anybody in Canada (Dealer/Distributor/ETC) with
contacts in Germany?
I have been trying to order a set of Bilsteins for my Audi A4 Quattro,
but Bilstein USA will not have a replacement (read: insert) for the A4
Quattro for 6 month plus. In Europe they offer a full replacement
Strut especially built for lowered spring ("Sprint"), but they not
import it here, nor will they. They run 217DM each Fronts, 199DM each
Rears, in Germany.
Any other way to get this product?