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Clutch, tranny Oil; life
re: "how long will my clutch last? and
"when should I change my tranny oil"?
(1) The clutch in a 5-cyl car will often last 200k miles,
but this is, as always, more dependent on HOW you drive,
than on how much. They are very durable, however, adn you can
compare with how long your other clutches have lasted.
(2) The manual transmission oil came in two flavors. Earlier cars,
(pre-1988 or so) came with regular dino 75W90 oil. Newer cars
come with some very good synthetic. Despite the "permanant" claims
for the dino oil, I changed mine every 75k "need it or not"
in my old 4000q. On my first change, it smelled burned, so
it was certainly not "permanent". I don;t know about the
synthetic. I have no plans to change it in my '91 20V90q.
(anyone have evidence that I SHOULD change it???)